About Us
We want to empower Eye Care Providers everywhere to confidently manage skin lesions around the eyes. Although there are different ways to treat those pesky lid lesions, we believe that chemical cautery provides a lot of advantages over other methods such as: cryotherapy, electric cautery, or excision.
Treating benign skin lesions around the eyelids with chemical cautery has been utilized since at least the 1980’s; however, chemical cautery has also been used to treat lesions in other areas of the body as well. In the early 2000’s our founder, Stanley Matsuura OD, saw an opportunity to help his fellow colleagues implement chemical cautery into their medical eye care practices. He named his company North Pine Enterprises and assembled treatment kits that he termed, Derma Cauter All™. We honor his legacy and have now rebranded the company as Derma Cautery. We work diligently with the American Optometric Association to ensure compliance with scope of practice regulations for each state. We also provide continuing education courses and hands-on workshops to help Eye Care Providers learn how to implement this specialty service into their practice.
Let us help you start treating benign skin lesions with chemical cautery today!